Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I haven't wrote in a long time. 
This is just a fun, just-because post....

It's almost Valentine's Day and I'm not very big on V Day. Never
have been. I always have considered it a month of love meant for ALL people
in your world...not just for one other person.

I'm not big on commercialism and holidays.

But this year, being with this incredible man has made me ponder the "specialness" of the day just ahead.... we've worked for over two years with many bumps, delays, and lots of laughter...building a friendship that has slowly turned into the most wonderful relationship....

I'm still not all about this day being about HIM, but I reflect on the joy and hardship of the journey. I don't need anything as proof of his love or feelings
for me. I already trust and know him...his heart. I don't care if flowers show up for me or if I get a card or a fancy dinner. (sure it would be a lovely thing and I'm a girl...so OF COURSE I'm going to love it!) [But] That was never the point. 

Valentine's is just a day to simply celebrate love. 

Love for one another. 

The Bible so delicately commands us that we are to love the Lord, our God, with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength...and to love others the way we 
love ourselves. God is love. Simply put. We love because of Him in us.

I pray in the days to come that you take some time to just ponder on the good of those around you. That you find contentment in life, no matter the struggle, pain, disappointment, or hardship. That you remember our King's grand love
for you...that you'd be truly rooted and grounded in Him.

....and on a silly note, don't you think Valentine's day is the perfect time to get a gift like this??


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